Vision of Ancient Demons Reincarnation

Vision of Ancient Demons Reincarnation

Since demons in human disguise pretend to have been born and also pretend to die, they can come again in another completely different form including a different gender and location



Hello friends. Its been a while. Hope you are doing fine by the grace of God.

I want to share a strange revelation I had yesterday which shocked me. The revelation came in form of a vision of the night.

So in a vision of the night yesterday, I saw a screen and on this screen, different images of different people from all races and both men and women kept showing up.

When a picture showed up, information about the person would also pop up.

The shocking thing is that although they looked normal in their appearance, the information popping up showed that even thousands of years ago, they were in existence!

I then realised that they were demons in human disguise and they had been around for ages.

Shockingly, even Queen Elizabeth appeared on the screen and the information about her showed that she was in existence even thousands of years ago!

She was wearing a red hat, red Jacket and a red skirt as she normally likes to match her clothes even on Tv.

I was also shown someone on the screen and this young man had the funky hairstyles black guys usually wear these days. He had shaved his hair on the sides and plaited the one on the middle.

However, though looking like a modern guy and up to fashion according to the standards of this world, the information that appeared about him was shocking.

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The information read, “During ANCIENT BABYLONIAN TIMES , he was called …”

During the revelation, I could see the name he used during ancient babylonian times written on the screen but after the revelation, his name was erased from my memory.

I don’t know why God erased it from my memory but is obviously for a purpose . He knows why. However, the main point was to show me that this man, although looking like a modern young man existed even during ancient babylonian times and went by another name. However, now he had come and in another race and was going by another name.

When demons come in human disguise, it is to fulfill a particular mission. Their physical appearance and location will depend on the type of mission they have to accomplish. Since demons in human disguise pretend to have been born and also pretend to die, they can come again in another completely different form including a different gender and location. Previously, they may have come as man but later, come as a woman. The same applies to the country, race etc. They are not human in anyway but are merely fulfilling a given mission.

This revelation and any other similar one are not meant to instill fear in you but to call for alertness even as the bible tells us, “Be sober,be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

The bible also tells us that my people perish for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Hosea 4:6.

As long as you pray, they have no power over you. Jesus is King over all principalities and they are under His feet.
He also overcame the world and He will help you overcame as long as you stay close to him.


Follow only Jesus. Guard your precious soul. Salvation is a personal journey.


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