MP3 Audio Bibles

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EvangelismBurn your own CDMP3 Audio Bibles & TextsDownloadable (NIV, KJV, ESV and World English)

Please Download these, put them on the USB JumpDrive, and share them with your friends 

NIV New Testament MP3 Bible
Complete NT MP3 Bible in 1 Large ZIP File 106mb   SAMPLE  With Background Music, 
Matthew Mark Luke John Acts
Romans 1 Cor    2 Cor Galatians Ephesians Philippians
Colossians 1 Thess    2 Thess 1,2 Timothy Titus Philemon
Hebrews James 1 Peter   2 Peter 1,2,3 John Jude Revelations

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KJV King James Version MP3 Bible
Background Music Included

Old Testament
OldTest. One Large Zip File  

Genesis Exodus Matthew Mark
Leviticus Numbers Luke John
Deuteronomy Joshua Acts Romans
Judges Ruth 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians
1 Samuel 2 Samuel Galatians Ephesians
1 Kings 2 Kings Philippians Colossians
1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians
Ezra Nehemiah 1 Timothy 2 Timothy
Esther Job Titus Philemon
Psalms Proverbs Hebrews James
Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon 1 Peter 2 Peter
Isaiah Jeremiah 1 John 2 John
Lamentations Ezekiel 3 John Jude
Daniel Hosea Revelation  
Joel Amos    
Obadiah Jonah    
Micah Nahum    
Habakkuk Zephaniah    
Haggai Zechariah    

KJV New Testament MP3 Bible
Non-Dramatized, No Background Music,  SAMPLE
Complete NT MP3 Bible in 1 Large ZIP File 270mb
Matthew Mark Luke John Acts
Romans 1 Cor    2 Cor Galatians Ephesians Philippians
Colossians 1 Thess    2 Thess 1 Tim  2 Tim Titus Philemon
Hebrews James 1 Peter   2 Peter 1,2,3 John Jude Revelations

ESV English Standard Version MP3 Audio Bible

Old Testament
Complete OT, 1 Huge Zip File  
1.7 GB
please use a download manager for this large file.

 New Testament
Complete NT, 1 Large Zip File  500mb
please use a download manager for this large file.

Genesis Haggai Matthew Mark
Leviticus Malachi Luke John
Deuteronomy Exodus Acts Romans
Judges Numbers 1_2_Corinthians Galatians
1+2_Samuel Joshua Ephesians Philippians
1+2_Kings Ruth Colossians 1+2 Thessalonians
1+2_Chronicles Nehemiah 1+2 Timothy Titus
Ezra Job Philemon Hebrews
Esther Proverbs James 1+2 Peter
Psalms Song of Solomon 1+2+3 John Jude
Ecclesiastes Jeremiah Revelation  
Isaiah Ezekiel

Lamentations Hosea
Daniel Amos
Joel Jonah
Obadiah Nahum
Micah Zephaniah
Habakkuk Zechariah

World English MP3 Audio Bible
SAMPLE      (Complete Bible in 1 ZIP 700mb File) 
<—-please use a download manager for this large file.

Old Testament

 New Testament

Genesis Exodus Matthew Mark
Leviticus Numbers Luke John
Deuteronomy Joshua Acts Romans
Judges Ruth 1+2Corinthians Galatians
1 Samuel 2 Samuel Ephesians Philippians
1 Kings 2 Kings Colossians 1+2 Thessalonians
1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 1_2 Timothy Titus
Ezra Nehemiah Philemon Hebrews
Esther Job James 1+2 Peter
Psalms Proverbs 1+2+3 John Jude
Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Revelation  
Isaiah Jeremiah

Lamentations Ezekiel
Daniel Hosea
Joel Amos
Obadiah Jonah
Micah Nahum
Habakkuk Zephaniah
Haggai Zechariah

RED Letters, the Word of Jesus
Every Christian, should have a thurough knowledge and understanding of the Words of Christ (Red Letters of the bible), as the Foundation of the Faith.MP3      Red Letter Texts


1. Best Bible Search Site (Many Translations)
Best Audio Bible Site3. AudioTreasure.Com Great Audio MP3 bible Site (many Languages)
4. Net Bible
5. KJV

6. World English Bible
7. Basic English
8. American Standard Version (ASV)
9. Websters Bible      Weymouth
10. Young’s Bible      Darby English

MP3 Bible Torrents:          (You’ll need a Torrent Dowloader)
ESV   KJV    Non-Comercial Version     NKV-ISO

           Bible ProgramsBerean     JSword     E-Sword    Usama   Theophilos3

Bible Resources in Other Languages;

Resources in all languages.

Online MP3 Bible Links

  International Bible Downloads 
1000s of Other Language
Bible Resources – Click Here
For the Greatest Collection of Online International Language Bibles goto this Link
CHM Format Bibles   HTML (Zipped)
(For CHM Bibles to work, right click the file and chose Unblock, MS-Security Issue)All 38 CHM Bibles (1 Zip)

  1. Albanian
  2. American Standard Version
  3. Basic English
  4. Bulgarian
  5. Cebuano
  6. Chinese  BIG5
  7. Chinese  GB
  8. Darby English Translation
  9. Douay Rheims
  10. Dutch
  11. French
  12. Gaelic Manx
  13. Gaelic Scots
  14. German
  15. Haitian Creole
  16. Hebrew Old Testament
  17. Hungarian
  18. Hungarian
  19. KJV
  20. KJV Large Print
  21. KJV Apocrypha Bible
  22. Korean
  23. Latin Vulgate
  24. Maori
  25. Modern Greek
  26. Rumanian
  27. Russian  1251
  28. Russian  K018R
  29. Spanish
  30. Swahili
  31. Swedish
  32. Thai
  33. Ukrainian
  34. Vietnamese  UTF8     [Online]
  35. Vietnamese  VNITimes
  36. Webster
  37. Weymouth NT
  38. World English
  39. Young Literal Translation

  All 44 Bible HTML Bibles  (1 Zip)

  1. Albanianbible
  2. American Standard
  3. Basic English
  4. Bulgarian
  5. Cebuano
  6. Chinese BIG5
  7. Chinese GB
  8. Darby English Translations
  9. Douay Rheims
  10. Dutch
  11. French
  12. Gaelic Manx
  13. Gaelic Scots
  14. German
  15. Haitian Creole
  16. Hebrew
  17. Hungarian
  18. King James Version 20
  19. KJV Apocrypha
  20. KJV Large Print
  21. Korean
  22. Latvian NT
  23. Maori
  24. Modern Greek
  25. Russian 1251
  26. Rumanian
  27. Russian KO18r
  28. Spanish
  29. Swahili NT
  30. Swedish
  31. Tagalog
  32. Thai
  33. Ukrainian
  34. Uma NT
  35. Vietnamese  [Online]
  36. Vietnamese VNI  [Online]
  37. Vulgate
  38. Webster
  39. Weymouth NT
  40. World English Bible
  41. Young’s Literal Translation

PDF BiblesAmerican Standard Version [OT,NT]

HTML (Zipped EXE)

  1. Afrikaans
  2. Albanian
  3. Albanian UTF8
  4. American Standard-ASV1901
  5. King James Version #2
  6. Bible in Basic English
  7. Bulgarian
  8. Cebuano
  9. Chinese Union B5
  10. Chinese Union GB
  11. Chinese Union Trad. UTF8
  12. Croatian
  13. Dansk
  14. Darby
  15. Norwegian (Bibelselskapets utgave 1930)
  16. Douay-Rehims
  17. Hollands Statenvertaling
  18. Finnish1938
  19. French Darby
  20. French – Louis Segond
  21. Greek NT
  22. Greek NT Stephanso 1550
  23. Greek NT Stephanos 1550 UTF8
  24. Greek NT Scrivener 1894
  25. Greek NT Scrivener 1894 UTF8
  26. Greek NT Nestle-Aland 26th
  27. Greek NT Nestle-Aland UTF8
  28. Greek NT Wescott Hort UTF8
  29. Haitian Creole
  30. Hebrew Transliteration
  31. Hungarian
  32. Hungarian UTF8

  1. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
  2. Indonesian Terjemahan Baru
  3. Indonesian (Terjemahan Lama)
  4. Italian
  5. Jerusalem Bible
  6. King James Version
  7. Korean
  8. German Luther
  9. Maori
  10. Modern Greek
  11. Modern Greek UTF8
  12. Russian Version KOI8-R Encoding
  13. Español Reina Valera 1909
  14. Gaelic Gospel of Mark
  15. Greek OT (Septuagint/LXX)
  16. Greek OT (Septuagint/LXX) UTF8
  17. Serbian
  18. Español Reina Valera
  19. Español – (Spanish Modern)
  20. Español Sagradas Escrituras
  21. KJV Thai
  22. World English Bible
  23. Webster’s
  24. Weymouth NT
  25. Youngs Literal Translation
  26. Latin Vulgate
  27. Wycliffe NT

MS-Access Bibles (MDB)

  1. King James Version
  2. Youngs Bible
  3. American Standard Version

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