The Year 1992.
I’m a former rapist, I’m not going to talk about those sins I committed. All the women who were my victims, I feel ashamed to say what I did to them. What led me to be a maniac was my disappointments in love. I thought I did not have success in love.
I forced several women to have sex with me. I was reported to the police. To be protected from the police I went to a witch’s house. I asked her for protection not to be captured by the authorities.
The cops could not arrest me. I kept practicing the rape. Women who were abused had psychological problems. I moved from town to rape new victims.
I committed 2 murders unintentionally when a teenage girl resisted me and did not let me rape her. The other was a beautiful-looking woman who fought with me and attacked me. I was very angry with this woman and committed a murder.
I was blinded by the anger after I realized the harm I had done. The depression got me after these two murders because I had never killed anyone. I did not take pleasure in taking any life, it shocked me a lot. It was my pleasure to commit rape but not murder.
One day I was on the street and I was shot in the shoulder. I started running and I lost a lot of blood. I was dizzy and fell to the ground, but I was taken to the hospital.
At night a demon appeared in my room where I was hospitalized. He shook my bed to take my soul. I screamed the doctors to come to me. They would come in and ask me why I was scared and agitated. They tried to calm me down saying there was nothing wrong with the room.
The doctors did the surgery to remove the bullet from my shoulder. I saw the death demon clutching my bed. I told the doctor if he was seeing the monster. He said that it was the effect of the drugs that brought hallucinations. I knew what I was seeing and it was real.
A woman from Costa Rica was doing a mission in my city. She went to visit my room and shared with me a word of salvation. I told her what I was seeing, and she was the only one who believed me. She prayed and God revealed to her that the spirit of death came to get me.
I was very afraid of this confirmation. She said that I did not have much choice. I gave up my life for fear of dying and being carried away by that black hooded monster.
The missionary said that now that I had become a convert I was to trust in Jesus. She said she would pray for me every day. Her name is Acacia.
I went to sleep. When I opened my eyes, I was in a strange place. It was a sinister city full of torture houses. I heard shouts coming from inside the rooms.
Each place had names: sorcerers, drunks, adulteries, idolaters, suicides, and other sins. Each part had a specific name. On the sign was written the name of the sin. And behind each name are groups of captives who could not leave.
I went into one of those places and there was mutilation. People were mutilated without stopping by monsters.
Women who painted their fingernails and hands had their fingers cut with an electric saw. They screamed in pain and despair. Monsters threw acid on women who put makeup on their faces and that deformed their faces. The ones that made the eyebrows and painted the eyes, the monsters plucked out their eyes, only holes could be seen in the eyes. Other monsters sliced the woman’s lips with a knife.
All these women loved to wear lipstick and makeup. Women who painted their hair were bald. The monsters ripped off all the hair scalps of these women.
I asked one of those monsters what the place is? The monster said it’s Hell. When he said this, I realized that the monsters were demons and I knew I had died. I thought it was a strange place, but when I discovered it to be Hell, I was sure I was dead.
I went to a place where there are prostitutes. In that place, there are 3 types of prostitutes. Those of pornographic films, those who worked in nightclubs and those who did not charge money and were not professional prostitutes. These people were normal people who had sex before marriage.
But ahead of this place is written a name that says sexual depravity. There are people who practice all kinds of sexual abominations, including those who use erotic objects to have sex.
Men and women who had multiple sex partners were there. I saw Christians in this valley of the depraved. These women were tormented in their genital parts by the devilish serpents.
I kept walking and saw the astrologer Nostradamus making his predictions. He asked me to get him out of there.
I also saw the seer and healer Baba Vanga Vangelia Dimitrova, who asked me for help to get her out.
I saw in Hell celebrity pastors who had programs on television. They were ridiculed in Hell and were called program stars. I went to the place where the world revolved around them. They did not care about anyone, they were only focused on their well-being.
These selfish Christians are in Hell. Other groups of Christians are in Hell for never confessing their mistakes. They were victims and they said that the world is against them. They never repented of their sins for failure to be perfect.
Other classes of Christians are in Hell because they caused pain in people. They hurt with offensive words. I saw Christians who were pleased to make many suffer and still feel good for doing so.
I saw Christians in Hell, who grieved over the happiness of others. Seeing someone happy troubled them, their hearts were evil. They were in a panic and wanted to escape from that place, to find a door to the Earth.
The demons did not touch me because of the prayer of the missionary who interceded for me on Earth.
I kept walking until I got close to the teenage girl I’d killed.
She looked at me with great hatred and said, “Because of you, I’m in this place, I had dreams of going to college and getting married; you destroyed my life forever.”
A demon brought another beautiful-looking woman I had killed.
She also looked at me with much hatred and said, “I had a groom and I was happy, you broke my dreams.”
“I was the only daughter and my parents are suffering because of you, they love me, I did not have time to give my life to Jesus; because of you, I will stay in this place forever.”
It broke my heart. I thought those two young women I had killed had ceased to exist. I never thought that besides taking their lives, they are in Hell suffering.
Then a large television screen appeared in front of me. On that big screen, I saw the principality of all the sports of the Olympic Games. The Olympic is such an important event with the worship of this principality when you light the Olympic torches. They do rituals and Olympic offerings for this demon.
Suddenly I saw movies, soap operas, cartoons and newspapers and serials on the television of Hell and they were simultaneously shown on television on Earth too.
A force pulled me out of Hell and led me to the hospital. I woke up and the doctors said that I was weak because I lost a lot of blood with the surgery and I had a cardiac arrest that left me lifeless for some time.
The missionary went to visit me and she prayed and fasted so that I would not die. She said that the Holy Spirit revealed that I was in Hell, so she did not stop praying for my life.
The devil did not want me to talk about my experience. When I recovered from that shot I was arrested and convicted of rape.
The missionary prayed to God and said that I am her future husband. She was waiting for me to leave the hospital to do the work together. Satan tried to paralyze the work of God in my life.
God had forgiven my sins, but I was in debt with the righteousness of the Earth. I was wanted by the police and had to pay for my sins.
I was trapped, but my mouth kept preaching the Gospel in the prison. It was a difficult place to evangelize because no one wants to go there, there are few who do this work. I was raised as a watchman of God within that prison to carry the Gospel. God allowed my arrest to win those souls forgotten by the Church.
I remembered the apostle Paul, who preached when he was in prison. I preached the gospel and won many souls in the prison. I knew of the need for preachers in that place and I formed several evangelism groups in there.
A small community was born within each cell and floors of the prison. I founded a church there because I knew I would have been trapped for a long time. I thought I would die without seeing freedom. One thing I knew for sure, if I died, I would be in heaven, free from that prison.
A demon appeared inside the cell and threatened me saying that if I did not stop preaching the Gospel, I would never leave it and said that I would be killed by a prisoner that belonged to him in my cell.
I was imprisoned for 15 years, during which time I received missionary and church visits. I was released and I opened a church to do the work. I married the missionary and we are together doing the mission as Paul and Silas did.
I was invited to minister in a large church. The Holy Spirit said, “Servant, many people come to this place because of material and physical needs. There are sick people, unemployed, and full of debt. They are looking for miracles and a solution to their temporary lives. No one is seeking the salvation of their souls. They do not want to seek that which does not seem important and is incorruptible.”
“The poor go to Church because of financial suffering and those who have too much material wealth are going because of their unhappy and depressed lives.”
“No one comes to Me in this place to give up their lives and be born again. The comfort of this world has alienated the people of God and taken them away from Me.”
All who hear this testimony, what have you done at your time? There is time to work, sightseeing, traveling, listening to music, making courses, colleges, and going to school.
But there is no time to pray, praise, and read the Word of God. It is not only in the Church that we should pray to God. Houses are to be a place of worship and intimacy with God. The Christians of this century cannot make time for Jesus.
That little time of 2 hours that could be given to Jesus is always replaced by other things without any importance.
Jesus never left the Church, but the new one has moved away from Him. Although the Church breaks the covenant, Jesus is willing to forgive and accept them again and purify their sins. The Holy Spirit has departed from those who broke the covenant of holiness with Jesus. Satan has taken advantage of this and is causing disorder in the midst of God’s people.
The demons are operating in the middle of the Church because of the breaking of the covenant.
Jesus commanded to speak to those who did not become corrupted; He will protect from the attacks of the devil.
Whoever suffers for the name of Jesus will overcome the crises, nothing will affect him, the union is affirmed in the blood of the Lamb and the engagement is written in the heavens.
The marriage guarantee for the saints is established at the wedding of the Lamb that will take place in glory.
Jesus said that television is one of those things responsible for causing separation between Him and the Church. This evil system of technological networks has destroyed the woman’s marriage to her husband and also the betrothal of Jesus and the Church.
That was the last message He asked me to speak.
All the hearers, Amen, are in the peace of God.
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